Common problem in wiring

Wiring problems are common causes of electrical problems and they are usually brought about by utilizing substandard electrical materials and numerous avoidable mistakes. If you want to spare yourself from the high costs and safety risks of faulty wiring, know what these preventable mistakes are and be acquainted on how to avoid them.

    1. Improper Subpanels Wiring – Keeping the neutral and ground wires away from each other is the key in preventing this mistake.
    2. Sheathed Cable Inside the Outlet Box is Too Long – To obtain the ideal length, the amount of protruding cable after feeding it into the box should only be 2-3 inches before you cut it.
    3. Improper Wiring of Three-way Switches – To avoid this, all wires involved must be connected correctly to the switches.
    4. Improper Stapling of Cable – Cables must not be stapled too tight as wires inside might short circuit.
    5. Wrongly Wired GFCI Receptacles – When connecting wires for GFCI receptacles, spend a considerable amount of time double-checking as many electricians commit mistakes on this, even the experts.
    6. Overloaded Service Panel – If you want to install or remodel a home electrical system, see to it that it can handle energy consumptions which are far greater than your existing needs to cope up with increasing electrical devices.
    7. Employing a Box with Inadequate Size – Avoid filling the box with too much receptacles, GFCIs, switches, and wires more than the amount it should contain as it might break or wires inside might short circuit.
    8. Failure to Connect the Power or Feeder Cable into the Box – The upper-left portion of the box must be reserved for the power cable.

The moment you consider re-wiring your electrical system, ensure that all works will be done by highly skilled electrical contractors to guarantee safe and uninterrupted power supply.


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