Ground electrical wiring

Grounding or earthing a wire is a process that prevents hazardous voltages from damaging your equipment and or appliances. A grounding conductor does not carry any current. This neutral wire is connected to the ground or earthed at the mane distribution panel in your home, which has the main disconnecting switch or circuit breaker. Homes that were built before the 1950s may not have a ground wire. However, homes built after the 1950s should have one. If you are unsure of this, then you should have an electrician inspect your home.

If your outlets have three prongs then there is a strong possibility that your system has been grounded. However, wiring mistakes can leave the grounding ineffective. A qualified electrician can examine your electrical system with a special testing device and tell you if your system is grounded or not.

Grounding your electrical system protects your family and your electrical appliances. Remember that electricity travels the least resistant path. Take your toaster for instance; if there is a fault in its wiring or your power outlet, electricity can flow on the metal on the outside of the toaster. This poses a very big danger as touching the toaster at this point can cause damage or death. The grounded wire prevents electricity from traveling through the metal body of the toaster.

Surge protection also requires a grounded system. Sudden increases in power can damage or even completely destroy electrical appliances. It is important to keep in mind that surge protectors only work if your electrical system has been properly grounded.


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