How to install fan

Ceiling fan installation is no easy feat. If not done correctly, it can lead to short circuits or even fires within your electrical wiring system.

Ceiling fans run by electric motors therefore you must have sufficient knowledge of wiring and power supply before attempting to install a ceiling fan on your own. It is always a good idea to hire an electrician to do the job for you as this is not something you want to risk making a mistake with.

The fan’s motor must be secure and should not be off center. Also, these fans are not light. You must always consider the weight factor of ceiling fans and install them on a strong beam that can hold more than 30 pounds. You also need to make sure that the electrical junction box is strong enough to support your fan's requirements.

Ceiling fans also work at varying speeds therefore they must be calibrated and wired accordingly. Some fans also come with lights that function independently from the fan per se. These electrical connections can be tricky and must be done with caution.

All factors considered, it is always a good idea to leave the installation of ceiling fans to experienced electrical contractors. You can always have an electrician give you a quote for your ceiling fan installation.


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