What's direct burial cable?
Direct burial cable is a special type cable that is designed to be run in a trench underground without the use of conduit to surround it. The electrical wires are encased in a thermoplastic sheath that seals out moisture and protects the wires within.
As many of your homes have, overhead service entrances were the power entrance of choice for years. the downfall is wires running overhead, poles in your yard and the possibility of snagging a power.
Usually, triplex aluminum wire was used to run from the power pole to the service entrance weather head feeding your electrical disconnect, that eventually powers your electrical panel in your home.
The choice of running underground with direct burial cable is an appealing way to power your home without the unsightly wires showing. But placing power lines underground presents its own unique problems, mainly with digging. before you dig, be sure to have the power lines, cables, phone lines, and gas lines marked. Most just call 811 for the local companies that come out and mark where the cables are for free. That way, you know where and where not to dig!
Some under ground cables are used for electrical service feeders while others are used for individual circuits like running underground to a swimming pool pump or GFCI outlet. Big or small, underground wiring completes the job in a sightly manner.
You may also have underground wiring running a yard light, a small shed, a well pump house or even a pole light out away from the house.
I like to run my underground wiring in straight runs and mark them on the building i run power from. This way, I am sure of the location and don't accidentally hit them when digging.
It is always a good idea to measure, mark, and make a map of installed underground wiring and place it in a safe place where it can be referenced for future projects.Wiring may need to be run on an angle from your home, so be sure to use something as a reference from point to point. It will make you next project much easier and a whole lot safer.
Direct-burial cable is usually black with marking to identify the neutral wire. UF cable is grey and comes in rolls that look like NM cable. Because it is resistant to moisture and other elements that Mother Nature can throw at it, it is an obvious choice for underground installation. Be sure to figure in voltage drop when running a long distance with this cable and upsize the guage of wiring where needed to accommodate the load connected to it.
Direct burial cable, often called exterior-rated cable or UF cable (short for underground feeder), comes in a gray jacket and is approved, when installed at the proper depth, location, and properly sized, for burial in a trench. For instance, you may want to feed a small pole light near your flower garden.
The difference between standard non-metallic sheathed cable (NM) and underground feeder (UF) is very noticeable.
Notice in the photo how the standard NM cable simply covers the group of wires and the UF cable actually coats each conductor individually. This encasement protects each and every wire from the other and does not allow moisture or other external elements to reap havoc on the wires.
As a general rule, UF cable should be buried at least 18 inches, but check local codes and regulations before beginning your project. As a rule of safety, always be sure the power is shut off to anything electrical before working with electrical equipment, devices, or wiring.
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